Friday, July 12, 2024
She wasn’t just a random girl. She was sunshine. She was happy. She used to light up my life. I didn’t notice her the first time I met her. It was our department's fresher’s...
We had an Arranged Marriage. Before marriage, I talked to Shubhangi a lot and I also liked her very much. I used to work in an IT company and she was a teacher in school. I had...
Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos Success Story in Hindi आज डिजिटल गुरूजी बात करेंगे, दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी E-commerce कंपनी Amazon.com के को-फाउंडर Jeff Bezos के संघर्ष से जुड़ी कहानी।   अमेज़न कंपनी को Jeff Bezos ने शुरू किया था, आज के समय...

